Fight the good fight, not your tech!
Your software bundle is a mess, and you don’t know where your data is.
Let’s untangle your tech!
More software, more data, more metrics, more responsibilities. As you grow and get more effective at fulfilling the mission of your organization, you end up collecting a lot of useful stuff. But more is not better, and efficiency can take a hit as you try to manage all these functional parts. We’ve been consulting and building custom data platforms for do-good organizations for years. We’ve built in house tech solutions to build better data platforms or organizations. And now, we’re thinking it’s about time to share.
With you in mind, we’re cooking up a platform to help you put your mission-centric software bundle to best use. Controlled end-to-end data, communication, and financial flows. Prime your organization for better functional management of missional operations: more growth, better alignment, and improved impact.
Centralized governance for missional organizations across all databases and software applications.
Sign-up for Impact Nucleus?
You’ve collected a lot of software platforms as your organization has grown. They don’t always play nice together. Let us help your team coordinate data logistics so you can focus on your mission. Let us focus on helping you:
Spend Less on
Tech Hype
Piecemealed software can get expensive fast. We focus on getting you the function you need from your tech tools, so you can minimize your cloud spend. We’ve been known to save our clients $100’s a month (humble brag).
Scale Impact,
Stay Organized
The more good work your organization undertakes, the more coordination is required on the back end to keep it running. We save our clients so much automating and delegating to their tech they get to talk to people again.
Hoard Less Data,
Inform More Decisions
Unless your mission is to collect data, leave hoarding to the squirrels You have a mission to accomplish – ensure that the data you need is the data you have which is the data you are using.
Your Data Governance Platform
Impact Nucleus is a data governance and logistics platform that profesionalizes enterprise tech infrastructure for mission-driven organizations. If it’s digitized, it can be coordinated. Nucleus allows you to sync up with your software bundle like you sync up with your leadership team – but without the coffee breaks. All the different software platforms are just different roles in your digital team: some store the data, some talk to one team, some talk to another team. The various channels for the exchange of data, financial contributions, and stakeholder information route through a centralized source of truth. From there, it can get to whoever needs it no matter what application they are using. Controlled and end-to-end data flows means better functional management of missional operations: more growth, better alignment, and improved impact. Yeah, we thought you would like that.
Impact Nucleus syncs up the data across all of your databases to make sure it is accounted for and available when you need it. Sometimes you need all of your data in one place Sometimes you need it in strategic hubs for core departments of work teams. Whatever your organization needs, we can ensure that it all works together.
Reach your clients, community members, and partners quickly and at scale. Bring your favorite SMS/Text provider or let us help you get set up with one of our favorite partners. Sync up your text messaging to get people the information they need when they need it.
Email remains a useful and solid long-form content communication tool for nearly every industry and context. Bring your email provider and emailing software platforms in to sync up contacts, contact history, and other important information across all of your touch points.
Connect your QuickBooks account to the rest of the enterprise data to ensure that all line items are aligned with real activity and real costs. Build entire platform connections with the other money software packages you use, like for payments or donations.
Integrate your financial and payment software solutions smoothly into the rest of the data. Connect directly with contact, family, or organizational information so update purchase or donation history as it happens.
Sync up your donation and fundraising platforms with the rest of your enterprise data to build better user experience insight. Bring your favorites or use Impact Upgrades free donation tool.
Want to hear about opportunities to leverage Impact Nucleus in your enterprise-wide data logistics?
How It Works:
Streamlined Tech-Stack
Bring the software you love and need. Ditch what you don’t. Leverage a handful of deeply connected platforms to enable your teams and increase your reach.
- Databases & CRMs
- Payments, donations, & accounting
- Email marketing
- Interactive text messaging
- Security, data privacy, & backups
Processes Your Staff Understand
We integrate platforms and fully automate processes to turn your ten step & twenty tab problem into a two step & one click solution.
- Fluency across all functions — everything is connected
- Database management
- Back-office automation
- Effective communication
- Decision making
- Accounting integration
Data You Actually Need
We help you deeply connect and leverage the data you actually need to deliver on your mission.
- Data pipelines
- Accessibility & self-sufficiency
- Reporting, dashboards, & visualization
- Outcome analysis & success measurements
- Decision making
Core Features
Fluency across all functions
Data syncing across all of your platforms builds a complete picture of your operations and enterprise data.When all tech and people within your organization are connected, you’ll experience a newfound missional impact
Improved database management
By integrating your software platforms and data sources, you’ll have a centralized data control that eliminates the risk of conflicting or missing information. This helps ensure that your data is accurate, consistent, and there when you need it.
Back-office automation
Remove middle men in your processes by setting up your software solutions to talk and work directly with each other. Automating processes in the back-office can save time and resources, freeing up your staff to focus on other important tasks and advance the mission.
Effective communication
Integrating platforms and automating processes can improve communication within and outside of your organization. Make sure your team is all on the same page and ensure your community gets the accurate information they need.
Better decision-making
With accurate and up-to-date information at your fingertips, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions. This can help you achieve your mission more effectively and achieve your goals more efficiently.